Mickey Kutzner

Title: Professor of Physics
Office Location: Haughey Hall 208
E-mail: kutzner@andrews.edu
Phone: (269) 471-6291
BS, Loma Linda University
MS, University of California at Los Angeles
PhD, University of Virginia
Current Research or Professional Activities:
Photoionization of atoms is an ideal method to probe the various ways in which electrons interact with each other. Dr. Kutzner works along with students to develop theoretical techniques to incorporate many-electron effects such as core-relaxation and core-polarization in the photoionization of atoms and ions. Whenever possible, calculations are compared with experimental results from synchrotron facilities. Much of this work is applicable to astronomy and x-ray imaging. Dr. Kutzner has published articles in scholarly journals which have included a dozen undergraduate students as coauthors on the manuscripts. This work is funded in part by a grant from the National Science Foundation.