Herbert E. Douglass has served the Seventh-day Adventist
Church as a teacher, editor, writer, administrator and pastor.
He taught at Pacific Union College, Atlantic Union College
and Weimar Institute. Douglass wrote for the Seventh-day
Adventist Bible Commentary series and worked as an associate
editor of Review and Herald and a book editor and vice
president for the Pacific Press. He holds a ThD degree from the
Pacific School of Religion.
George R. Knight is professor emeritus of church history at
the Seventh-day Adventist Theological Seminary at Andrews
University. His background includes time spent as a pastor
and educator. Knight earned his EdD degree in 1976 from
the University of Houston, and is one of the most prolific
authors on Adventist history. In 2003, he edited the annotated
re-publication of Questions on Doctrine (Andrews University
Press) which has stirred renewed conversations on the book.
Angel Manuel Rodríguez is director of the Biblical Research
Institute at the General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists,
where he has served since 1992. He has also served as
president of Antillian College and academic vice president of
Southwestern Adventist University. Rodriguez holds a ThD
degree in biblical theology from Andrews University. He is the
author of several books and has a monthly column in Adventist
Roy Adams has been an associate editor of the Adventist Review since
1988. Previously, Adams served the Adventist church in the U. S. and
the Philippines. He obtained a ThD degree from Andrews University.
He has authored several books including The Sanctuary (Review and
Herald, 1994) and The Nature of Christ (Review and Herald, 1994).
Larry Christoffel has served as administrative pastor of the Campus
Hill Seventh-day Adventist Church in Loma Linda, Calif., since 1986.
He has also served as a pastor in Ohio and Georgia. Christoffel has
published on issues relating to the evangelical identity of Adventism in
Ministry and Adventist Today.
Donald Dayton is an independent scholar residing in Pasadena, Calif.
He has taught at Drew University, Asbury Theological Seminary,
Northern Baptist Theological Seminary and Azusa Pacific University.
His PhD degree was awarded by the University of Chicago. Dayton
co-edited (with Robert K. Johnston), The Varieties of American
Evangelicalism (InterVarsity, 1991).
Denis Fortin is dean of the Seventh-day Adventist Theological
Seminary at Andrews University, where he has taught in the Theology
Department since 1994. His PhD degree comes from the University of
Laval. He is the co-editor (with Jerry Moon) of the forthcoming Ellen
White Encyclopedia.
Larry Kirkpatrick is pastor of the Mentone Adventist Church in
southern California. Prior to his tenure at Mentone, he pastored
churches in Nevada and Utah. Kirkpatrick is a graduate of the MDiv
program at the Seventh-day Adventist Theological Seminary at
Andrews University. He serves as the webmaster for GreatControversy.
org and publishes books on last generation theology.
David R. Larson is professor of religion at Loma Linda University
where he has specialized in Christian ethics since 1974. Before that
he was a pastor in southeastern California for four years. He holds a
DMin degree from Claremont School of Theology and a PhD degree
from Claremont Graduate University. Larson has written a number of
articles and edited one book, Abortion: Ethical Issues and Options (LLU
Center for Christian Bioethics, 1992).
Paul McGraw is associate professor of history at Pacific Union College.
His research interests include marginal religious groups in American
religious history. His doctoral dissertation, completed at George
Washington University, is entitled "Born in Zion? The Margins of
Fundamentalism and the Definition of Seventh-day Adventism." It
focuses on the history of the Adventist church and the designation "cult."
John McVay is president of Walla Walla University. Prior to his current
post, he served as dean of the Seventh-day Adventist Theological
Seminary at Andrews University. He has also taught at Pacific Union
College and worked as a pastor in Iowa and Georgia. McVay received his
PhD degree in New Testament from the University of Sheffield, England.
A. Leroy Moore is a retired minister, college teacher and pastor. Upon
his retirement, he co-founded Lavoy Missionary College, a lay training
center in Alberta, Canada (1995–2003). In 2005 he authored Questions
on Doctrine Revisited (AB, 2005). Some of his other books include
Theology in Crisis (Life Seminars, 1979) and Adventism in Conflict
(Review and Herald, 1995).
Julius Nam is assistant professor of religion at Loma Linda University
where he teaches courses on Adventist history & theology. Prior to
his arrival at Loma Linda in 2006, he taught at Pacific Union College.
His 2005 Andrews University dissertation, "Reactions to Seventh-day
Adventist Evangelical Conferences and Questions on Doctrine,
1955–1971," served as a catalyst for this conference.
Arthur Patrick is senior honorary research fellow at Avondale
College. He holds a DMin degree from Christian Theological
Seminary and a PhD degree from University of Newcastle. He has
pastored in New Zealand and the U.S. and taught at Avondale and La
Sierra University. He also served as director of the Ellen G. White/
Adventist Research Centre for the South Pacific Division of SDA.
Jon Paulien is dean of the School of Religion at Loma Linda
University. Previously, he spent over two decades teaching New
Testament at the Seventh-day Adventist Theological Seminary at
Andrews University. He received his PhD degree in New Testament
from Andrews University. Prior to that, Paulien worked as a pastor in
New York for several years.
Richard Rice is professor of theology and philosophy of religion
at Loma Linda University. He received his PhD degree in theology
from the University of Chicago Divinity School. Rice has published
numerous books including Believing, Behaving, Belonging: Finding
New Love for the Church (Association of Adventist Forums, 2002).
Kenneth Samples is a senior research scholar at Reasons To Believe,
a science-faith think tank based in Pasadena, Calif. He holds degrees
in philosophy, social science, and theological studies. He also teaches
a weekly class at Christ Reformed Church in Anaheim, Calif. In the
past, Samples has worked as senior research consultant with Christian
Research Institute (founded by Walter Martin).
Nikolaus Satelmajer is editor of Ministry, published by the Ministerial
Department of the General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists.
He has served in a variety of pastoral and administrative posts in New
York and Ontario, Canada. He earned his DMin degree from Andrews
Ciro Sepulveda is chair of the History Department at Oakwood
College. His doctoral degree from the University of Notre Dame is in
Latin American history. He is currently doing research in the history
of the Seventh-day Adventist Church. He has written a biography of
Ellen White published in Spanish.
Colin Standish is the founder and president of Hartland College. He
obtained his PhD degree in psychology from the University of Sydney.
Standish has served in a variety of academic and administrative
posts at Avondale College, West Indies College, and Columbia Union
College. He has authored and co-authored with his brother, Russell,
numerous books on Christian theology and living.
Russell Standish is a physician living in Australia. He has served as
missionary and hospital administrator in Southeast Asia as well as
in his native Australia. Standish received his medical training at the
University of Sydney. He is also the founder of Remnant Ministries
and has authored and co-authored with his brother, Colin, numerous
books on Christian theology and living.
Alberto R. Timm is professor of historical theology at Brazil
University Center—Engenheiro Coelho Campus and director of the
Brazilian Ellen G. White Research Center. He completed his PhD
degree in Adventist Studies at the Seventh-day Adventist Theological
Seminary at Andrews University. He has produced numerous
scholarly works on Adventist history and theology.
Mervyn Warren is provost and senior vice president of Oakwood
College. Prior to his current position, he held various administrative
posts at Oakwood, including chair of the Religion Department.
He holds a PhD from Michigan State University and a DMin from
Vanderbilt University. Warren has written several books, including
King Came Preaching: The Pulpit Power of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.
(InterVarsity, 2001).
Woodrow W. Whidden is professor of systematic and historical
theology at the Adventist International Institute for Advanced
Studies. Prior to his current appointment he taught in the Religion
Department at Andrews University (1990–2006). He holds a PhD
degree in historical theology from Drew University. His books include
Ellen White on Salvation (Review and Herald, 1995) and Ellen White
on the Humanity of Christ (Review and Herald, 1997).