International Development Program
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Master of International Development Administration (MIDA)

International Development Major

39 Credits  (purple, orange, green, blue, gray, yellow)


The purpose of the International Development major is to meet the evolving needs of professionals to advance their field of interest, whether it is humanitarian work, economic development, international business, public service, health, or other professions involved with social, cultural, and political challenges within communities. It is a program to build capacity in project management based on principles of excellence, justice, and advocacy to embrace sustainable partnerships.


Core Courses (26 Credits)

Social Science
Project Management
NPO Management

Development Theory and Practice
CIDS520 (3)

Cultural and Development Anthropology
ANTH517 (2)

Needs Assessment, Capacity Mapping & Program Planning
CIDS530 (3)

Development Design & Evaluation
CIDS536 (3)

Leadership & Management of
Not-for-Profit Organizations

BSAD530 (3)

Communication in Development Practice
COMM540 (2)

Ethics in Development
IDAS610 (2)

Public Policy,
Civil Society & Development

PLSC525 (2)


       Organizational Behavior & Leadership BSAD515 (3)

       Financial Analysis and Reporting ACCT625 (3)



Focus Area Courses (13 Credits)

Students are required to complete a focus area involving 13 semester credits in a selected specialization area. The majority of these courses are completed in a directed study format with the balance as online courses. This allows the student’s specialization area to be uniquely tailored to suit his/her personal and professional goals. A focus area is selected in the first year of study.


 Portfolio IDAS597 (1) - directed study
 Applied Statistical Methods IDAS613 (2) - online course
 Development Research Methods IDAS623 (2) - online course
 Professional Training IDAS635 (2) - directed study
 Field Practicum IDAS680 (2) - directed study
 Specialization Essay IDAS696 (1) - directed study
 Research Project IDAS697 (3) - directed study

Topics Include but not limited to

• Advocacy • Civil Society  • Cross Cultural Relations  • Development Policies of Government  • Education  • Environmental Studies  • Food Security  • Gender and Development  • Integrated Risk Management and Resilience  • Microenterprise  • NPO Policies and Operations  • Peace Building  • Public Health   








Berrien Springs, MI 49104-0031  : :  Phone: 269-471-3668  : :  Email:  : :  IDP Website:

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All delivery details (courses, curriculum, site locations, languages, etc) may be updated at any time by the Andrews University International Development Program.