IDP Publications

Handbook (English) (Español) (Francais) (русский)
History of the program, admission standards, finance
details, and more these are what you will
find in the IDP Student Handbook. This document was updated in 2016.
Style and Formatting Guidelines (English) (Español) (Francais) (русский)
The style and formatting rules found in this document are to be used for
all IDP coursework including the Focus requirements and the final
Research Project. This document was updated in 2014.
Sample Research Proposal
This is a sample document showing the IDP Style and Formatting Guidelines in use. It was prepared to match the 2014 edition (see above).
Focus Area Syllabi (English) (Español) (Francais) (русский)
The Focus Area (Concentration) Courses for the International
Development Program are largely completed in a
directed study format with input and guidance from
the student's Research Mentor and Concentration (Focus) Advisor. The Focus Area Syllabi provide
the details of how this work is to be accomplished. This document was updated in 2016.
Human Subjects Research (English) (Español) (Francais) (русский)
This document briefly explains the process for IDP students to apply for permission to conduct research through the Institutional Review Board (IRB) of Andrews University. (A sample informed consent form is also available.) This document was updated in 2015.
Project Based Research Guidelines (English) (Español) (Francais) (русский)
Project-based research involves the design of a project in which the design of that project constitutes the primary creative scholarly effort. These guidelines explain how to complete the research project report of such an effort. This document was produced in 2014.
IRB Training
Andrews University Research Resources

James White Library (JWL)
The James White Library, located on the Andrews University campus, has
a wealth of online resources which are also available to off-campus students.
To access these resources, you must have an Andrews University Username
and Password. If you do not have these, please contact
JWL International Development Research Guide
The JWL staff have developed this site for you to use for your research needs.
Office of Research & Creative Scholarship
Located on the campus of Andrews University, the Office of Research & CreativeScholarship provides the guidelines and application forms for all Human Subjects Research
conducted by either students or faculty of the University.
IRB (Institutional Review Board) Forms
Required IRB forms including the application form and the final report form can be found here.
Digital Research Projects Submission Agreement
The author must sign this agreement form and submit it to Andrews University for filing before a digital copy of his/her research project is made publicly available through the James White Library.

Online Registration

Begin at and click the "Current Students" menu then click "Registration Central" and login. Then follow the new instructions below.
English Instructions - NEW
English Instructions
Español Instrucciones
Francais Instructions

In order to access your grades, you must have an Andrews University Username
and Password. If you are a current student and do not have a username
and password or have misplaced it, please let
us know .
With your username and password, you can access your grades at...

Final Grades from previous sessions are available through this secure
Student Records website.
- Select "My Account" in the far
left hand column.
- Enter your Username and Password and click "Login".
- Select "Banner Web" from the far left
hand column.
- Click on the following phrases: "Student Services", "Student Records", and "Academic Transcript".
- Select the appropriate level and type from the dropdown boxes.
- Click the "Submit" button.
Official Transcript

To order your Official Transcript from Andrews University, please visit the National Student Clearinghouse